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WellDENT Feedback, Comments, Concerns, and Complaints Policy and Procedures

At WellDent, our aim is to serve our patients best in love by providing the best possible care and treatment. Thus, all of your feedback, concerns and complaints are welcomed. Our goal is to handle them promptly, courteously, and efficiently. We consider all your feedback as a framework for us to better serve you in the future.


Your Point of Contact

Our Customer Ambassador or Receptionist will help you to facilitate your request.


  • We will keep information about your complaint confidential.

  • We will keep a record of your details and the complaint and use it to help improve our services, and for statistical purposes.

  • If you have questions, please visit our website to learn more about our Personal Data Policy.

Our Tiered System

We have a tiered system for dealing with feedback, concerns and complaints.

  • Feedback and Concerns

  • Formal Complaints

    • Stage 1- Early Resolution

    • Stage 2 - Investigation


Guidelines for Your Feedback, Concerns and Complaints

You can provide your feedback and concerns or make a formal complaint about our clinic and / or the clinical treatment offered, such as:

  • The treatment you have had or are having at our practice;

  • Our services or facilities;

  • A member of staff; and

  • Anything not listed above


You cannot use our complaint procedure for:

  • Anything you are taking legal action about; and

  • Previous feedback, concerns or complaint that had been properly addressed. 


Time limits

  • The reqeust must be made within 6 months of the event.


Providing Feedback and Concerns

  • We prefer to address your feedback and concerns as soon as possible. Therefore, when you have feedback or concern, please ask to speak with our Customer Ambassador, or our Receptionist if our Customer Ambassador is unavailable.

  • You can express your feedback or concerns in person, by phone via call or text, our online form, email, or in writing. 

  • If necessary, we will respond to your request within seven working days.

Making a Formal Complaint

  • You will be required to fill in our complaint form if you are to make a formal complaint. The complaint form is available from our reception or you can download from here.

  • If you are complaining for someone else, a written consent from the patient must be needed.


Our Action

We have a two-stage complaint handling procedure for the management of your formal complaints. We will always consider if a complaint can be dealt with at Stage 1 first. If we think the complaint is too complex or serious and clearly needs to be investigated we will go straight to Stage 2.


Stage 1 — Early Resolution

We always aim to resolve complaints quickly and close to where we provide the service. Where appropriate, this could mean an on-the-spot apology and explanation if something has clearly gone wrong, and immediate action to resolve the problem.

Sometimes, we will need more time to make some enquiries. If this is the case, we aim at giving you our response within 14 working days.


Stage 2 — Investigation

We will use the Investigation stage where:

  • Your complaint is complex and we believe it requires detailed investigation; or

  • You are not satisfied with our Stage 1 Early resolution response to your complaint.


For Stage 2 complaints, we will issue an acknowledgement receipt for your complaint within 7 working days. We will tell you what action we will take to look into the complaint.


We promise to respond to your complaint within 30 working days. If we are unable to keep to this time frame, we will let you know and tell you why, and agree revised time limits with you.


In our response to either Stage 1 or Stage 2 complaints, we will:

  • Show that we have looked into your complaint and reply to all the points you make;

  • Offer an apology and/or resolution  if things have gone wrong;

  • Explain what we will do to stop what you complained about happening again;

  • Help you to understand our limitations and difficulties.


If you are not happy with our response to your complaint

If you are still not happy with our response, or if you are not happy with the way we are dealing with your complaint, you can bring your complaint to other complaint related organisations such as:

  • Healthcare professional regulatory bodies (i.e. Dental Council of Hong Kong)

  • Committee on Complaints against Private Healthcare Facilities

  • Consumer Council

  • Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data

Please provide your feedback

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