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Personal Data Collection Statement

Your personal data provided will be used within our clinic for treatment and record purposes. Under certain conditions, your personal data will be shared with a third party e.g., refer to another doctor, etc.

You have the obligation to provide true and correct personal data. Our clinic reserves the right to refuse the registration of a patient or to provide treatment in case of inadequate personal data.

Personal data definition includes but is not limited to the followings: General personal information such as name, address, telephone number, ID number, treatment records such as treatment notes, X-ray and imaging data, photographs, stone models, intra-oral camera images etc.

Our clinic will ensure the safety and integrity of your record. Unnecessary records will be destroyed without notice.

You have the right to enquire about your record kept by our clinic. Our clinic reserves the right to obtain fees for such inquiry and for making copies of the records.

Making Data Access Request:

The related form is available from our reception, or you can download our Data Access Request Form from here.

Data Collection Statement Regarding CCTV System

Data collection purpose:

1. Security

2. Ensure safety of visitors and staff

3. Monitor the working performance of staff

4. Medical record

5. Internal staff training

6. Follow up of incidence

The CCTV system is running automatically and continuously. Our clinic reserves the rights to refuse anyone from entering the premises if one rejected to be monitored or recorded.

The CCTV recording will be kept in our system for about 7 days. Older data will be overwritten. Under special circumstances, the data may be downloaded for follow up actions.

Precautions for the data users:

Under live view condition, single camera’s windows size cannot be larger than 1/8 of the total area of the monitor screen. Seeking the agreement from a second witness is necessary if a magnified view is needed. (Exception applies to Clinic Administrator and Clinic Manager)

In case of downloading or viewing of recorded data, the permission from Clinic Administrator or Clinic Manager must be sought.

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